Troubleshooting Issues With Running Hosted Microsoft Lync For Mac

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We went back and forth on using the online version (which we went with) or the locally installed version. As with anything, local installations are more comprehensive.

However they are also much more costly when looking at our uses. I have all employees cell phones attached to their account, as well as office phones to roll over.


I have been pretty happy after hearing some horror stories of installation, but using the online version got around a lot of that. Just started running Lync in the cloud with our hosted Exchange solution. So far just me and my boss, but we are working on deploying to the entire IT team. It's a late generation chat application. When we get our VoIP solution in place to replace our aging Avaya system that's where we anticipate seeing a nice set of additional features and maybe bringing some real ROI to the table.

Troubleshooting Issues With Running Hosted Microsoft Lync For Mac

Our hope is to cut down on some of the cell phones that we have deployed and try to use a more softphone based solution. We're using Lync 2010, and it's been moderately well received. It's worlds better than Communicator, if you have any experience with that.

It integrates well with Outlook, and it's web interface is pretty solid. Tying in Live Meeting was a pretty good move.

Troubleshooting Issues With Running Hosted Microsoft Lync For Mac Windows 10

Voice chat with video performs pretty well. We haven't integrated our phone system with it, so I'm not sure how that is. If you use multiple systems, or have users who do, there's an issue with having multiple Lync sessions open.

Troubleshooting Issues With Running Hosted Microsoft Lync For Mac Free

In our environment, leadership decided to have Lync connect automatically at logon. The idea is to have EVERYONE available for instant communication. But, at any one time, I may be logged in on 3 or more systems. If someone IMs me, there's no way to tell which system will get the message. I'll open up my virtual desktop after a few hours and see 10 messages.

Once I've finished responding, I go back to my desktop PC, and I've got 10 more while I was on the virtual. No rhyme or reason. Kind of a pain. Communicator/Lync has had a troublesome past, but MS won't be giving up on it any time soon. If you've got the money though, I'd go with Cisco. They have the best solution out there right now.

Troubleshooting issues with running hosted microsoft lync for mac download

We however, do not. The problem with communicator was not using the gold standard in codec for voip. So you had to buy this $$$$$ board to convert from codec A to codec B for your voip - leading to the demise of communicator as a pbx. I was hoping this shit was fixed by now. VOIP systems/mobile/landlines sound pretty decentralized. I never did get how ARP works when you get on a plane and fly to EUROPE(1 id) when routing tables for the internet can't route anything less than a huge subnet.

IIRC the whole voip thing, isn't it just a http relay? The phone is a webserver, the pbx is a webserver, and if all the codecs align you are essentially doing a hand-off so the (pc,skype,phones) speak? Skype designers: add ichat (facetime,msn,aim) support. Make it work through an SSL proxy. Do whatever you have to do so we can use the fucker for our business telephony.

Microsoft has azure, that's a giant reliable P2P network. Didn't microsoft buy nortel or something? They should have the design to make a full PBX that works like google voice. I noticed at they have some sort of web-version of skype.

Sounds legit to me? With modern 3ghz pc's for $250, i'll be damned if I'm going to buy a $250 voip phone.

I'll buy an ipod touch and run a sip client before I send cisco that kind of cash. The sad thing is that I would be glad to pay Microsoft the couple thousand a month on telco (SLA) phone charges to get the integration and ditch the proprietary expensive hardware. I'm guessing a ton of other companies would too, and that is why most folks in UK/EU rely on skype for business.

Maybe MA BELL has something to do with lack of adoption in the USA.