Os X Yosemite Bug Is Causing Memory Leaks For Mac

Uninstall WhatRoute 1.x.x Download and unzip. This small applet will remove the WhatRoute 1.x.x Cache and Settings files. Not required for WhatRoute 2 Download WhatRoute WhatRoute 2.x.x requires macOS 10.10 or later.

If you are running an earlier version of OS X please use WhatRoute 1.13.x Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. WiFi Monitor - show SSID of current connection. Bugs Fixed. DNS - fixed flooding log with warnings. DNS - fixed thread leak. DNS - fixed crash on malformed IP address.

Local Network - fixed drawing inefficiency. Wifi Monitor - fixed badly formed helper request that caused helper to crash. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Refactor usage of MaxMind library. Refactor XPC communication with helper.

Replaced Preferences window controller. Bugs Fixed. DNS Lookup - specified server was being ignored by the dns trace command. Flow Monitor - Optimize IP packet alignment. Map - dont adjust text colour if the night region is not shown. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements.

WhatRoute is now notarized by Apple. Bugs Fixed. Race condition in IP location lookup.

Dark mode colours in text views. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Compiled with Xcode 10, Swift 4.2. Improved Great Circle plots on Map window. Improved plotting of twilight zones on Map window (cue spooky music). Show nearby wi-fi acess points on the detailed map. Bugs Fixed.

Os X Yosemite Bug Is Causing Memory Leaks For Mac

Port scan would crash if the end port was less than the start. Delay between MAC vendor lookups to stay within site limits. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements.

Map shows areas of the planet that are in darkness with optional display of twilight zones. Country flags are now displayed using the 'emoji' (unicode) symbols. Option to sort host display in Local Network window by name. Bugs Fixed. Loading the bogon data could cause WhatRoute to crash. Improved accuracy in interval timers. Improved performance in generating Flow Distribution.

Preparations for Mojave include support for Dark Mode, application notarization and compilation with a hardened runtime. The changes are in this version of WhatRoute but will not be publicly available until Xcode 10 has been released and WhatRoute recompiled. All code in this version of WhatRoute is compiled with Xcode 9.4.1 Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Added DNS Server Performance testing. Initial preparation for Mojave compatibility. Preparations for Mojave include support for Dark Mode, application notarization and compilation with a hardened runtime.

The changes are in this version of WhatRoute but will not be publicly available until Xcode 10 has been released and WhatRoute recompiled. All code in this version of WhatRoute is compiled with Xcode 9.4.1 Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Refactoring of internal frameworks. Control labels are dimmed when control is not enabled. Updated embedded pmacct to 1.7.1. Added Hide command to statusbar menu. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements.

Detailed Map Window - display flows / routes. Detailed Map Window - display node details and allow ping trace etc to that node. Detailed Map Window - display live updates. Status Bar - graphical display of current bandwidth.

Preferences - pane added for Bandwidth window settings Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Map Window - display location nearest to the cursor. Map Window - locations are cached to disk when discovered. Map Window - faster algorithm for finding nearest place to cursor. Map Window - Alternate map projection (Miller) may be used. Map Window - User selected region on the world map can be displayed in the Map Viewer window. Map Window - Added toolbar button to display selected region in Map Viewer.

Fixes. Bandwidth Window - Ruler scale was incorrect when the horizontal scroller was hidden.

Map Window - Removed maximum size constraint. Map Window - Fade Flows was broken - now fixed. Treemap Window - Help button was broken. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Added persistent cache of network hardware vendors. WiFi Monitor - Show network hardware vendor.

WiFi Monitor - Enable wireless network table column sorting. ASN Query - discover IPv4 and IPv6 origin networks. List Editor - add Clear button. Flow Distribution - Show/Hide the probability Tooltip. Fixes. Map Window - Window would not expand to full screen. Download - Changes and Features Happy New Year.

Increment the minor version number. Enhancements. Show cumulative distribution in Flow Distribution window.

Add finer grained controls to Flow Distribution (scaling, class width etc). Use the significantly faster Jenkins 'Spooky' hash for hashing flows. Previously used Jenkins 'One at a time' Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Flow Distribution window for monitoring DNS server reponse. Fixed. Automatic text scrolling in TCPDump window. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements.

Display start time for commands (e.g. Traceroute, ping etc.) Fixed. Monitor point-to-point links (e.g VPN links). Download - Changes and Features Fixed. Enable Save/Save As.

Commands (disabled during Swift 4 upgrade) Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Update to Swift 4. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Traceroute - Estimate bandwidth for each hop. Fixes. Fixed crash when invalid MAC address found. Minor fixes for High Sierra compatibility.

Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Flow Monitor - Allow multiple Flow Monitor windows. Flow Monitor - Use Netflow V5, V8, V9, IPFIX as flow data source (using nfacctd from the pmacct project).

Fixes. Desktop Image - generate image in a background thread to prevent stalling of UI. Flow Monitor - Race condition on close causes possible deadlock.

Os X Yosemite Bug Is Causing Memory Leaks For Mac

El Capitan and Yosemite - compatibility issues. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Traceroute - add option for using TCP probes.

Fixes. Desktop Image - fill style was not being restored correctly. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Use Map, Local Network or Treemap as Desktop image.

Local Network window - hosts may be sorted by recent activity. Local Network window - Improved neighbour detection.

Os X Yosemite Bug Is Causing Memory Leaks For Mac Pro

Better Treemap zoom control. Added Scroll to End toolbar button in main window. Fixes. Possible deadlock when closing WiFi Monitor. Close log gracefully.

Main window output restricted to 10000 lines of text. Possible crash when terminating an external process. Fix Ping jitter statistics for corner cases.

Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Select outbound interface in Trace, Ping, Netscan and Portscan. Recompiled with Xcode 8.3. Download - Changes and Features Fixes.

Fix Crash at startup on OSX 10.11 (El Capitan). Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. WiFi Monitor - New window to display attributes of the WiFi Network. WiFi Monitor - Optional tcpdump of wireless interface in monitor mode. Tcpdump - New command on main window.

Simple wrapper around system tcpdump. Fixes. No bugs found or reported in previous version (2.0.15). Download - Changes and Features Enhancements.

Local Network - Display background image in Local Network window. Local Network - Text is coloured black when backround image is light, otherwise white. Local Network - New icon for wireless routers. Local Network - Right click on window background shows context menu for add/delete background image. Help Viewer - External URLs are now opened by the default browser. Help Viewer - Updated to use WKWebView.

Fixes. BUG - Tabbing between text fields was not working. BUG - Crash at close (regression in 2.0.14).

Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Local Network - Right click on a host displays a menu of commands (Currently only Ping).

Os X Yosemite Bug Is Causing Memory Leaks For Mac Free

Menu Bar - Added 'Flush DNS'. This clears the internal cache and also restarts mDNSresponder causing it to also reinitialise its cache. Local Network - Flow paths between hosts are drawn as a curve (previously was a straight line) to help distinguish paths. Fixes. BUG - Opening the Inspector window would sometimes cause a crash. Local Network - Broadcast host is now displayed. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements.

Local Network - Added new window to visualise/monitor hosts on the LAN. Fixes.

Detect network interfcae changes via notification instead of polling. Tree maps refactored for more efficient implementation. Help buttons link to built in documentation. NSException handler for posix spawn calls.

Flow Monitor - Improved packet capture from interface. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Flow Usage - Added new window to visualise flow data as a treemap. Preferences - Map window preferences are available in Preferences window. Sparkle Updater - Upgraded to Sparkle 1.15.1. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements.

GeoLocation - Use a local copy of the Maxmind data (optional). Help - Added builtin Help files plus viewer. Fixes. Location services - Make interface consistent with Apple Maps. Bandwidth Monitor - correct graph for times when network interface is unavailable.

Download - Changes and Features WhatRoute can now use Location Services to determine more accurately your location for display on the maps. This data is only held locally by WhatRoute and is never propagated to any 3rd parties. Should you choose to Deny access to Location Services, WhatRoute will continue to function using your external IP for local geolocation. Enhancements. Action window - Save content to text file. Action Neighbours - sort by family then MAC address.

Bandwidth Monitor - Add optional linear scaling. Bandwidth Monitor - Option for either exponentially weighted or sliding window smoothing.

Flow Monitor window - Save table as CSV file. Flow Monitor window - Column headings are available for selection in the View menu. Logging - Log to /Library/Logs. Mapping - Use embedded MapKit for detailed view.

Mapping - Use LocationServices to determine current location. Mapping - Options to show/hide routes/flows. Menubar - Added icon/bandwidth to System Menubar. Preferences - now implemented in 2 panes. Preferences General - AddedStart at login option. Fixes.

Dispatch queues - reduce number of dispatch queues/threads that are used. Fixed memory leaks. Inspector window - was dependent on Flow Monitor being visible.

Timers - use a single timer to schedule tasks. Download - Changes and Features This maintenance release is primarily concerned with CPU and memory performance of the WhatRoute monitoring functions (Bandwidth and Flows). Enhancements. Mapping - Use Apple Maps - Google Maps is optional. DNS Lookup - Option to show server trace.

Flow Inspector - Show DNS Cache statistics. Bandwidth Monitor - Show filled graphs. Action window - Start/Stop controls added to Touch Bar. Flow Monitor window - Start/Stop controls added to Touch Bar Fixes. Netscan - Sort final results.

Intermediate results are unsorted. Bandwidth collector - do not run on the main thread. DNS - Use CFHost to enable query timeouts. Fixed hang at shutdown. Fixed more memory leaks.

Download - Changes and Features This maintenance release is primarily concerned with CPU and memory performance of the WhatRoute monitoring functions (Bandwidth and Flows). Enhancements. Bandwidth Monitor - More efficient plotting. Bandwidth Monitor - Add setting for graph refresh rate. Flow Monitor - Only capture 128 bytes of packet. Fixes. Bandwidth Monitor - Fix 32 bit overflow on byte counters.

Flow Monitor - Dont send packets to the main thread. Memory leaks - Fixed multiple memory leaks. Race conditions - Fixed multiple (minor) race exceptions.

Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Bandwidth Monitor - New feature.

Traceroute - Provide output formatting option. Flow Inspector - Show current IP and location.

Os x yosemite bug is causing memory leaks for mac pro

View on Google Maps. Fixes. Detached pop-over windows were being corrupted. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Updated for and built on macOS Sierra with Swift 3.

Flow Monitor - Show source and destination ASN. Flow Monitor - Show TCP connection state. Flow Monitor - Use the pktap interface to capture packet metadata.

Flow Monitor - Use lsof to capture process socket info. Flow Monitor - Minimise number of packets dropped while busy. Flow Monitor - Minimise number of packets dropped while busy.

Flow Monitor - Right click Process or PID to see the binary in the Finder. Flow Monitor - Run at startup if it was running when WhatRoute last terminated. Inspector - Show packet capture statistics. Location - New command to show address physical location in text window. Map - Line thickness indicates the bandwidth used in the flow. Fixes. Flow Monitor - Fixed crash trying to display -ve numbers.

Port Scan - Fixed race displaying number of probes sent. Traceroute - Fixed crash if source address is unavailable. View Menu - Items that were previously only available in popup menus. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Bogon Updates from cymru - always wait 24 hours between updates. Combo Boxes (Hosts, DNS, Whois) - Editor to add/delete/order items.

Flow Monitor - Overall efficiency improvements. Flow Monitor - All machines on LAN have same location if NAT'd. Flow Monitor - Display process name, PID and App icon if possible. Flow Monitor - Right click on PID or process name to terminate process.

Flow Monitor - Display source and destination locations. Inspector - Show location cache statistics.

Netstat - Added verbose option. Whois - Set server specific options (e.g. Fixes.

Race in Donate that prevented window from being dismissed. Race in Flow Monitor that could cause memory corruption. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. IP Locations - Asynchronous lookup to give speedier map updates.

IP Locations - Refactor storage to save memory. Map - Display IP location accuracyradius - as supplied by MaxMind. Map - preload country locations.

Map - mouse tracking consumes less cpu. Whois - now has a default set of whois servers. Fixes. Fixed possible buffer overflow when displaying IPv6 addresses. CFBundleVersion changed to decimal. Previously was hex. Version 2.x.x is a major revision of WhatRoute.

Some functionality present in earlier versions has not been implemented but can be added on request. Thank-you to all the users who have followed the 'Donation' links. Earlier versions of WhatRoute are available from the links on this page. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Preferences - Enable/Disable Sparkle Updater.

IP Locations - Now uses data from Maxmind GeoLite2. Map - Right click on flow endpoint to show location in Google Maps. Map - Left click on flow endpoint to display nearby networks. Map - Windows detached from popover controls are resizeable. Map - Display flag when mouse hovers over country which has had active flows. Map - Adjust width of lines used to draw flow paths.

Fixes. All reported bugs fixed. No luck with wells fargo upgraded to quicken 2017 for mac pro. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Mapped flows may be coloured by port. Flow updates are paused while context menu is active.

Only relevant items enabled in flow context menu. Display 'busy' indicator while a command is running. Fixes. Divide by zero when points on map are very close. Download - Changes and Features Enhancements. Auto-detect IPv4/IPv6 addresses in the Host field. Auto-refresh Interfaces and Neighbours display.

Advanced flow filtering using Apple Predicate Editor. Fixes. Crash when receiving malformed data from a whois server. Spurious timeouts in Trace and Ping. Improved asynchronous address to name resolution.

Download - Changes and Features. Requires OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later. Complete rewrite in Swift 2.

Support for IPv4 and IPv6 where applicable. Path visualisation (geotracing).

Posted on March 5, 2015 Anyone who’s used a Mac for any length of time knows that comfy, secure feeling you get when logging into OS X. And best of all, it’s malware-free. Well, not exactly Apple recently rolled out its OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 update in tandem with Security Update 2015-001, delivering a number of important security features and patching vulnerabilities.

But, in spite of several welcoming security additions, many experts (and even Google) remain concerned over outstanding privacy issues. Before we look at those in more detail, let’s get overview of the update to understand the security measures implemented in this latest release.

Who’s this Mac OS X update for? This latest update, which is the first one for 2015, is aptly titled “Security Update 2015-001.” This security update is available in the Mac App Store for users running OS X 10.8.5 and higher, and more information on the security content of the update can be found. Spotlight for Mac privacy loophole fix Prior to this security update, Spotlight would load remote content from emails even when the setting was disabled in Mail’s preferences. Consequently, the sender of an email could determine the IP address of the recipient. Also prior to the security update, a memory management issue in Spotlight was causing unexpected information to be saved to external hard drives. These two issues were solved through improved configuration checking and better memory management.

Click here to see 10 privacy tips for Mac OS X Thunderstrike for Mac security fix Macs equipped with a Thunderbolt port are no longer susceptible to the so-called “Thunderstrike” hardware exploit, which allowed an attacker to modify a Mac’s host firmware when it was booted with a malicious Thunderbolt device attached. More OS X bugs still being discovered In spite of these welcome fixes, many flaws and vulnerabilities are still being uncovered.

Google’s Project Zero security team continues to uncover and disclose security vulnerabilities, oftentimes with accompanying proof-of-concept code, which can give attackers a head start when it comes to exploiting the bugs. Three by Google’s Project Zero security team earlier this year were patched as part of Security Update 2015-001, and the team is undoubtedly hard at work tracking down further flaws. The serious concerns over private browsing have continued, as well. The security and privacy researchers at SecureMac have long advised users to the risk of information leaks from web browsers, even when “private browsing” modes are utilized. For example, prior to the OS X 10.10.2 release, you probably thought that private browsing was secure.

However, as highlighted in the patch notes (CVE-2014-4460), Apple realized that “a privacy issue existed where browsing data could remain in the cache after leaving private browsing.” While that particular bug has been fixed, what other vulnerabilities remain that could compromise your privacy? And what apps are most vulnerable? Each new OS update or app brings potential vulnerabilities of its own, too. That’s why MacScan is such a popular app. Because it works in tandem with security features such as those released in OS X Yosemite 10.10.2, shoring up the gaps, it ensures maximum privacy, avoids sensitive information being left accessible and safeguards weak spots in the OS that could leave you open to attack.

Want to see for yourself?.