Sublogic Flight Simulator For Mac

Anyone on here remember flying that.amazing. sim?! Its very dated now of course (graphically) but as far as the flight physics goes it feels (to me at least) far far superior to MSFS. You could almost feel the mass behind you as you turned finals in the heavy jets in that simulation.

You could actually fly to a schedule and were graded at the end of a flight. And then came the ATP check-ride!The sim came with a pack of high-altitude jet-navigation charts with all the jet routes laid out (just like the real thing). The manual had a stack of approach plates in the back too. The flight-realism was just excellent - and still is. And whats more it had ATC!

I hope the next version of MSFS will incorporate aircraft-physics that feels like Flight Assignment ATP:)Just be aware you are not gonna go admiring scenery in this sim, its focused on aircraft physics-realism & navigation realism.I wish I could find another copy of it and if any of you are fortunate enough to find one today - grab it!! The successor of ATP still exists.If you liked the flight models that much, you might consider buying AS2 PRO short history (source: website above)December 1990: First ATP Version ReleasedATP Rev. A was released by subLOGIC.

The first simulator dedicated to Airliners was born. The coming years would prove how far ahead ATP's concept was at this time.March 1991: ATP Rev. B ReleasedThe first maintenance release, fixing a few bugs in the career assignments was released.October 1991: ATP Rev.

C ReleasedThe second maintenance release, fixing a few more bugs in the career evaluation and enabling additional drivers to be hooked inNovember 1991: Simon got ATP and joined CompuserveThis certainly was a special trip to Dallas for me. Actually, I did attend the Networld show there to explore more about NOVELL and networks, which I needed for the FMS projects. In between I went to a software shop and found ATP. I would not have expected the major changes this caused.Februar 15th 1992: ATPUTIL 1.00 was released Well, the first consequence of my trip to Dallas. ATPUTIL did appear. This started a lot of versions over the coming months and years to a never ending story.

Yay I downloaded ATP! wont work on my computer:(It boots up fine and all that but it stays frozen on the runway with a loud beep-beep-beep sound coming from the speakers (which is the sound not being processed properly). The mouse cursor sensitivity is very low too:(Robert & Dave: How did you guys get it running on your systems!? What options did you select during installation? (display, sound etc) and what is meant by 'NFL Drive' in the installation screen!?Thanx!!! Computer Specs-Sony Vaio Laptop (PCG-Z600HEK)Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4)DirectX 9.0b20GB HDD (10gb free)800Mhz Mobile Intel Pentium IIIE 128MB SDRAMATI Rage Mobility-M1 AGP (8Mb)Yamaha Native DS1 Audio. Brings back great memories.

I probably went through my heavist flight simulator phase with ATP. I remember reading stories on FSFORUM about people calling in sick to work and getting into trouble with their significant others. Anyone remember the autoflight capabilities ATP had out of the box?

You could set up an transcontinental adventure and put the plane on the departure runway, come back hours later, and the plane would be sitting on the runway at the destination.Then 3DAGs came out and it was really off to the races. I agree with the other posters who mentioned the navigation display. I wonder what Simon is doing these days? Anyone remember the 3 dimensional function and the cool set of 3D glasses that came with the 3DAGs program? I never tried that feature out because my Pentium I 90 (overclocked to 100) had problems handling the processing requirement of the double images.


My current rig should be able to handle it though.Hmmmmm. It also featured the very first implementation of ATC in a sim.Man was that game ground breaking.Remember the days when you first fired up a game like this and went 'oh. This is so coooool'.

Now we're all so jaded, you fire up games and pretty much get what you thought- very few games give you that sense of awe. With FS, we just get ###### with every new release that the framerates stink and our add-ons don't work. You look past the new features. That itself is a symbolic term.

Instead of a new GAME now, we get new FEATURES. The game is pretty much the same.Not to get off topic, but I still remember the first time I played FALCON- on a MAC- with full digital sound. Or Flight Simulator 2 with NAV radios, and ILS approaches (hell, I was 10- I spent years figuring out what an ILS approach was:).

Or one of my all time favorites- Ultima Underworld- which was the first truly 3D, texture mapped game ever. They all blew me away.Bring back the excitement!

Sublogic Flight Simulator For Mac Download

It's funny how when someone requests something like 'cars on the highways' or '3D terminals, so you can walk to your plane' we all tend to be very cynical, thinking 'that'll never happen. It's not important', but in reality, if some of those features showed up, we would all be blown away, and probably gain a HUGE amount of respect for the FS team out of their sheer desire to innovate.