Pthpasteboard For Mac


Pthpasteboard For Mac Pro

Pthpasteboard For Mac

As a writer and editor, I couldn’t be nearly as productive as I am without a multiple-Clipboard utility—a program that stores multiple recent contents of the Clipboard, letting you paste any of them quickly and easily. In addition to the productivity gains such utilities offer, they also protect you from losing important content because you copied or cut it, then absentmindedly copied or cut something else, replacing that content, before you had a chance to paste.

Pthpasteboard For Macbook Pro

I’ve previously reviewed, and, three multiple-Clipboard utilities that focus on simplicity and ease of use; Jumpcut remains one of my favorite OS X add-ons. But if you’re willing to forego some of that simplicity, offers a whole lot more functionality.

Like other such utilities, every time you copy or cut content—text, images, and so on—to the Clipboard, PTHPasteboard Pro automatically adds that content to its own list of Clipboard contents, which the developer calls a pasteboard; you choose how many items the pasteboard holds, as well as the maximum size of items to be saved. You can access those contents via a separate pasteboard window or—my preference—a menu-bar menu. Click on an entry in the window or menu to immediately paste it into the current document or text field.