Difference Between Crack And Meth High Matthew Kiernan

What is cocaine? Cocaine is a stimulant prepared from the leaves of the erythroxylon coca plant, grown most commonly in Peru or Columbia. Are there other names for cocaine? Other names for cocaine include coke, crack, blow, snow and nose candy. How is cocaine used?

Cocaine can be used by insertion into the nose (also called snorting), smoking, injection into a vein (also called banging or mainlining), swallowing, and by insertion into the rectum (also called a butt rocket or plugging) or vagina. Are there any medical uses for cocaine? Cocaine is still used by some physicians to stop nosebleeds, and for pain control before minor nose surgery.

Dentists or oral surgeons can also use cocaine for anesthesia before procedures. What are the signs of cocaine intoxication? Cocaine produces decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, euphoria (feeling happy) and enhanced energy and alertness. Persons with cocaine intoxication may have large pupils, high blood pressure, and an elevated heart rate.

What are the signs of cocaine poisoning? Cocaine toxicity can cause agitation, aggressive behavior, hostility, hallucinations, seizures, fevers, and death. What are the medical complications of cocaine?

Cocaine causes many adverse effects to many organ systems. Some complications are dependent on the route of exposure. Bones. Cocaine, when inserted in the nose (snorted) can cause breakdown of the cartilage and bones in and around the nose creating holes in the septum (the septum separates the nostrils). Brain and nerves. Cocaine use can cause difficulty walking, headache, seizures, spontaneous bleeding, stroke, temporary or permanent memory and attention problems, and tremors.


Intranasal (in the nose) users can lose their sense of smell and suffer from frequent nosebleeds. Intravenous (in the veins) users are at risk for infections that can be located in the brain in addition to other areas of the body. Gastrointestinal. Cocaine can cause severe abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Intravenous users are at increased risk for viral hepatitis if they use contaminated needles.

Heart. Cocaine can cause chest pain, high blood pressure, fast or abnormal heart rate, heart attack, problems with heart muscle contraction and rupture of the aorta (main blood vessel from the heart). Intravenous users are at increased risk for infections of the heart and its valves.

Lung. People who smoke cocaine can have shortness of breath and fluid or bleeding in the lung. They can rupture the lung, which results in air leaking into the chest. Kidney. Cocaine can cause kidney damage. Muscles.

Cocaine can cause severe muscle damage and pain. Cocaine use during pregnancy.

Cocaine use is associated with premature delivery, vaginal bleeding, sudden death, and birth defects. Are there any permanent effects of cocaine? Long-term use of cocaine can damage nerves and deplete important chemicals in the brain such as dopamine.

There can be a loss of memory and concentration, depression, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, and aggressive or agitated behavior. Is cocaine addictive?

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There are several properties of cocaine that contribute to its addiction potential: first, cocaine has many effective methods of delivery. Second, the more rapid the onset of cocaine’s effect, the higher the addictive potential (most rapid onset is smoking and injecting into a vein). Third, cocaine has a short half-life; it is broken-down by the body quickly.

Considering all of these properties, drugs with a fast rapid onset and fast metabolism will have a high addictive and abuse potential. What is the difference between crack and cocaine? Crack is made from cocaine mixed with common household items such as ammonia or baking soda. Crack has different melting and vaporizing properties than cocaine, and is more stable for smoking. How long can cocaine be detected in the urine? Chemicals from the break-down of cocaine can be detected in the urine for 24 to 48 hours. In habitual users, these chemicals can be detected longer.

What’s the Difference Between Cocaine and Meth March 25, 2016 -, - 0 Comments Good question. Both drugs are stimulants, both are illegal, and both can be very addictive.

Both meth and cocaine affect the central nervous system as well as the sympathetic nervous system. Both are addictive drugs, and both present a very real danger of overdose. Despite these similarities, cocaine and methamphetamine are very different drugs. What is cocaine Cocaine may go by a number of names.

Coke, snow, flake and blow are a few of the commoner street names for the white powder. Freebase, or ‘crack’ is a form of cocaine. Powdered cocaine is generally sniffed, or ‘snorted’ by the user.

It may also be diluted with water and injected into a vein. Crack, sometimes called rock cocaine, is most often smoked in a glass pipe. Cocaine is derived from a plant that is native to South America.

The effects of one dose typically last for one to two hours. A drug screen can detect cocaine up to a week after its use. Health problems associated with cocaine use are heart irregularities, headache, stroke and seizure. Persons who abuse cocaine for an extended period of time may suffer damage to nasal tissue. Users who inject cocaine are at risk of HIV infection and hepatitis.

Continued use may lead to feelings of paranoia What is meth Methamphetamine, sometimes referred to as crystal, ice, crank or meth, is a man-made chemical substance. It can be made from household ingredients, including certain kinds of cold medicine and nasal decongestants. When sniffed or injected, meth causes increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure and a sense of hyper alertness.

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Continued use may lead to feelings of paranoia. Health problems associated with crystal meth use include severe insomnia, racing heartbeat and rotting teeth. Users who inject meth are at risk of HIV infection and hepatitis. Cocaine and meth both give an initial ‘rush’ of euphoria to the user.

That feeling doesn’t last long, and users generally find that they require more of the drug to reproduce that initial euphoric feeling. Help is available One thing that cocaine and meth have in common is that persons who abuse them can be. If you or someone you care about has a problem with cocaine or methamphetamine, we can help.

If the person abusing either drug cannot or will not seek help on their own, a family intervention may be effective. Slp 240 drivers for mac. Contact us for additional information. Recovery Success Testimonials & Reviews “I entered treatment at His House in September of 2014. I did a 90 day treatment program in the residential facility followed by an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for 30 days. One of the most impacting aspects of treatment at His House was the caring, individualized treatment by the staff. They are truly relatable and professionally helpful.

I would recommend His House to anyone who has said enough is enough. With the staff at His House, from the counselors to the cooks, there is an atmosphere of sobriety that is conducive to life changing. ” - Bobby T “ This program taught me everything I need to know to continue on the path to stay sober. I learned about the twelve steps and fellowship. I made lots of friends to increase my support group.

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